Welcome to Be-In Touch!

My name is Hemo Oumenad. In my company Be- In Touch, I use my years of knowledge and experience as a coach, trainer, project manager, policy officer and lawyer in higher education, as well as my accumulated knowledge and experience of body- and experiential learning from conscious movement and dance, and from horse coaching. I love to help you in your search for more inner connection and true connection. And creating perspective from your own power. Or to a path with more meaning and inspiration for you.  This can take different forms. In an exploratory conversation we take stock together and see what suits you. A good conversation, a coaching program, or working in a more creative way.  


A little bit about my personal path.  Dance has been one of my passions since childhood and a way to express myself. Other creative sensory pursuits also helped me come to insight and stillness. Pottery, working with horses were useful ways for me to get out of my head and get more grounded in my body and in the here and now. In the Open Floor teacher training I am following, body awareness,  insight in feelings, insight in the mind, movement, breath and dance come together. I experience it as a great enrichment, insight expanding, a useful skill and above all a great pleasure.


In addition, I have always been curious and hungry for more knowledge about the richness and workings of our bodies and minds, about the human being, populations and cultures and their habits. What moves people? What ideas do they hold on to and what inspires them. How do they behave and act? What helps them flourish? I try to view my own limited reality from multiple perspectives and multiple points of view. My studies, my bi-cultural background and my work in an international education environment support me in this. Continuously wondering myself, being curious, continuing to learn is one of my motivations. And where possible, helping to build bridges and create real connections.